How Much Does A Brazilian Wax Hurt?


This is always a bit of a difficult question to answer because it really does depend on your own personal pain tolerance AND how well you prepare yourself for the wax in the days/weeks leading up to your appointment. If it ever becomes too painful know that it is okay and we can stop at any time!

If I had to tell you how much a Brazilian wax hurt on a pain scale of 1-10 (with 10 being maximum pain level) I would say that my very first Brazilian wax ever was a 9 out of 10 but that was because 1) I was on my period and 2) no one told me the best way to prepare for my first Brazilian at all. 

Now that I have been getting Brazilians for over 7 years (and I know how to prepare myself for them) they hurt SO much, much less. These days it's a 6 at worse (some spots hurt more than others) and a 1 in other places.

Because I had such a bad experience with my first Brazilian, I vowed I would never let that happen for as many other women as I possibly could. That's where this podcast/blog comes in.  

Before I talk to you about how much a Brazilian wax hurts, I encourage you to check out my other podcast episodes/blog posts on Bikini/Brazilian waxes:

 I've also been answering my most frequently asked Brazilian/bikini waxing questions…

I invited some absolute BABES onto The Beauty Babe show to talk about how much a Brazilian wax really hurts the very first time compared to how much it hurts now.

I think you will be really surprised by how much your first Brazilian does NOT hurt.

Go ahead and push play to hear what other Peoria babes had to say!


Brazilian/Bikini Wax Aftercare


Pre-Wax Etiquette for Brazilian and Modern Bikini