Re-Opening Guidelines

Check it out! I made a podcast for Peoria, IL and surrounding area called The Beauty Babe Show! It's specifically for all current, past and future clients of The Beach House Skincare & Spa (really it's for anyone)

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Girl.... I ACTUALLY SENT THE EMAIL! Aren't you so proud of me?!?!?

I am so excited to finally get to say that I am open for appointments again! Woo hoo!

I've already reached out to everyone that was previously scheduled but PLEASE, if I haven't reached out to you let me know and I can get you on the books ASAP.

Keep in mind that I am by-appointment ONLY. This includes product pick-up. Please make sure you book online if you know you are not coming in for an appointment to pick it up. You can click the link below if you need to book a "Skincare Consultation/Product Pick-Up" time slot.


Okay, here's the real reason you're here.

RULES! Get excited*!!!

1. Wear a mask

  • It must cover your entire mouth and nose at all times.

  • If you are unable to wear a mask due to medical reasons please message me to let me know so I can make proper accommodations

  • If you don't believe in the Coronavirus, that's cool. Still wear a mask. If you still don't want to wear a mask I'm probs not the right service provider for you and I have some other awesome spas I can refer you to. Also, just wear a mask.

2. Just Bring YOURSELF

  • No need to bring your friends, kids, pets, or baggage into the spa. Just you will be fine.

  • Just bring in what you need: wallet, keys, sense of humor, etc.

3. Wait in your car

  • Please wait in your car until I come to get you.

  • I will be sanitizing everything between clients and I want to make sure there is no overlap of clients

  • Make sure your car is temperature controlled (see next rule for details)

4. Don't come if you or someone you live with is sick

  • I'll be taking your temperature once you step in the door so make sure your car is temperature controlled so that the reading isn't skewed.

  • I will be using a touch-less thermometer. It's legit.

5. Wash your hands upon arrival

  • I know your hands are dry, so are mine - Please wash your hands upon arrival.

  • I also have hand sanitizer if you would prefer that method instead but like, this soap I have smells so good so I would encourage you to use that route.

6. Be nice

  • Pretty self-explanatory.

  • Things are like, really different now. No one knows what they are doing.

  • Just be nice.

  • Really though - be nice

7. Not a rule but just a nice thing to do (see above rule for definition of nice)

  • If you or someone you live with tests positive for Coronavirus within 5 days of being in the spa please give me a courtesy call to let me know (309-423-0551).

  • It's just a nice thing to do 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank you so much for not only making it to the end but also understanding that these changes are required and here to keep us all safe.

With a little team effort and a lot of humor I think we will all get to have nice brows and a smooth bikini line in the end - amiright?!

If you didn't know already I actually have a podcast just for you and the Peoria, IL area! Recording podcasts is probably one of my most favorite things to do! You can search for "The Beauty Babe Show" wherever you listen to podcasts.

Please know that although things are kinda strange now I am still so excited to get to go back in the spa and do what I love - Make your beauty simple, easy and fun.

If you haven't gotten on my books yet I encourage you to see what I have available online HERE.

You can also call, text or message me on Instagram to book if that is easier for you.



Anyways girl friend, take care of yourself and I'll see you in the spa (very, very soon!)


P.S. Really though, I wrote this whole email all by myself! That's pretty impressive...

* Sarcasm



Update your profile

| 7501 N. University Suite #204, Peoria, IL 61614


What is a Chemical Peel? How do I Know it's Right For Me?


An Introduction to The Beauty Babe Show Podcast