What are the differences in a Bikini, Modern Bikini, and Brazilian Wax?

Have a vacation on the books? A date night planned? You’re prone to razor bumps and ingrowns? You’re looking to incorporate more self care into your lifestyle? You desire your hair to grow back thinner and sparser?

Waxing is your answer! 

If you’ve never had a wax before and you need some help on choosing the right one for you, below is a breakdown of the three different waxing services that we offer here at The Beach House!

Bikini Wax

A bikini wax is going to remove the least amount of hair out of all of the intimate waxes that are offered. It’s the wax method that we would recommend to someone that’s never been waxed before and wants to start small and work their way up. 

A bikini wax only removes the hair that you would see when wearing a bikini. It’s a fast (15 minutes or less) and reliable wax. We’ll make for sure you are more than swimsuit ready after your bikini wax treatment!

Modern Bikini Wax

Also called a Modified Bikini wax too! is another great starting point if you’re interested in a Brazilian but worried it will hurt too much. It’s a good starting place before jumping right in to the big guns. Some clients even prefer the results of a Modern Bikini wax over a Brazilian and some will alternate a Modern Bikini wax and Brazilian every other appointment. 

A Modern Bikini wax removes all of the hair that is removed in a bikini wax plus some more. We’ll remove some extra hair from the sides, top, and all of the back (booty crack). Hair will only be left behind on the labia and a small amount on the top creating a landing strip. 

It’s a great maintenance wax with satisfying results!

Brazilian Wax

A Brazilian wax is removing ALL of the hair including the labia and back region, unless you’re wanting to leave some behind in a certain area. 

A Brazilian wax is one of our very most popular services here at The Beach House! Many of our first time waxing clients will become repeat customers just after they’re first wax, the results are worth it!

All waxes are customizable depending on your personal wants and needs. Just have a quick chat with your esthetician to find the perfect fit for you if you’re still not sure!

Happy waxing, see you in the Spa!


Is a Brazilian wax worth it?


How to Prepare for Your First Brazilian Wax