5 tips to grow your brows back

We are all for the bushy and full brow look, but some clients aren’t seeing any new brow growth. I’ll give you a few tips and tricks to get your brows to grow back in! 

Tip # 1: Exfoliate those brows

A lot of times your brows will stop growing because you have a buildup of dead skin cells blocking the follicle. No worries here because you can easily get rid of that. What I recommend is taking a wet washcloth and rubbing over your brows to remove any buildup. This area just needs to be exfoliated to allow the nutrients to absorb through the skin

Tip #2: Apply Castor oil

One great ingredient that a lot of people have turned to in the past years is castor oil. Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid which is a type of fatty acid. When it is applied to your brow area it will enhance the health of the hair follicle and promote hair growth

After you exfoliate your brows, take a cotton swab and apply the castor oil over your brows and where you want to see new brow growth. I recommend doing it each night before bed after your skin care routine. 

Tip #3: Rosemary essential oil is a great ingredient for brow growth

Another ingredient similar to castor oil is rosemary essential oil. Not only will the rosemary nourish your skin around your brows, but will also stimulate hair growth where it might be patchy.

After you exfoliate your brows, take a cotton swab and apply the rosemary essential over your brows and areas you want to see brow growth. You can decide which oil works best for you and continue using it. 

You will want to get each of these products in their pure form to avoid any irritation. When additives are put into the product you might not see the result you are hoping for so be sure to check that ingredient label!

Tip #4: Eat healthy

 Eating healthy is a big factor in brow growth! Eating foods that are rich in biotin, omega 3’s, and vitamins will help in enhancing your brow growth. These nutrients will assist the growth process so be sure to eat foods that include them. Some common foods are almonds, avocados, tomatoes, spinach, and kale. If you’re not the best with eating your greens try adding them into your smoothies! This is my favorite way to incorporate the nutrients I eat daily. 

Tip #5: Try a brow enhancing serum

If you’ve tried all of these and still aren’t seeing the results you want, a brow enhancing serum might be more of your style! We recommend using the Grande Brow Serum and we sell it here at The Beach House! 

Grande Brow Serum is infused with vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids to promote the growth in fuller brows. This isn’t a quick fix product, but one that you’ll start seeing results in 6-8 weeks. Patience is key here, but don’t let that stop you. This product is to die for!! Once you use it, you won’t want to turn back. 

All of these tips and tricks will get your brows looking bold and bushy in no time.

Stop in at The Beach House and we can get you set up with a plan to get you back in the brow game!


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Mother’s Day is May 9th, 2021