What can mandelic acid do for you?

Mandelic acid is one of my favorite ingredients because of the many functions it holds. 

At first glance it can sound kind of scary. I mean who wants to put an acid on their face? Don’t worry, this is the most gentle BHA and your skin will LOVE you for using it. 

If you don’t know what BHA means, it's just short for Beta Hydroxy Acid. A BHA is oil soluble so it will break up any oil you have on the skin and dive deep into your pores to remove dead skin cells and oil build up. 

Mandelic acid works as an exfoliant so it goes deep into your pores to help clear them out. It removes the dead skin build up in your pores, as well as regulating your sebum production

Having a build up of dead skin cells can make your face look dull and sluggish so mandelic is a great product to use if you are experiencing these problems. 

It also will increase your cell turnover rate which will help reduce the look of dark spots or acne scarring and also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

This ingredient can be used on ALL skin types, especially those with dry or sensitive skin. 

If you are someone who is in the battle against acne then mandelic acid may just become your new best friend. 

It is a great antibacterial so it will combat against acne while also reducing any inflammation

At The Beach House we offer quite a few products with mandelic acid in them. It is one of our favorites to recommend. We have that specific ingredient in cleansers, toners, and serums. If you’re not quite sure which would be best for you we will be able to give you a recommendation based on what your skin is needing!

Here are the products we offer at The Beach House:

These products go flying off our shelves so if it is something you are interested in go online or contact us here at the spa to get your products today!


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