Find the Best Brow Waxer


Eyebrows are important. Like, REALLY important.

So important I would even say that you can tell a lot about a person based solely on their eyebrows.

I know it's scary to trust someone with your brows but there are a few tips to know before trusting someone with YOUR beautiful brows.

I've had more clients than I can count come in and say that they are so scared to get their brows waxed because they have had a terrifying experience in the past.

I've seen and heard it all and I want to share with you my top tips on how to find someone who will never let these bad things happen to you!

Our first and biggest tip is….


It's very likely that she will wax your brows in a similar manner to her own.

It's what she knows and how she thinks brows should look.

Jump on your potential waxer's Facebook or Instagram business pages, or website to get a good look at her own brows and while you're there, take a look at the work she has done on others!

That leads us to our next tip,


If she's good she'll want to post it everywhere so that you can see. Some good places to look are Facebook, their Google Business page or my personal favorite - Instagram.

Instagram is the best place to find pictures of your Esthetician's work.

Go to the search page and look up hashtags like#YourCity #EyebrowWax(YourCity) #BeautifulBrows(YourCity) #BestBrowWax(YourCity)


Go to a friend who's brows you like and ask her where she gets them done. Do this a few times to see if anyone mentions the same person, spa or salon more than once.

This is a really good sign that your Esthetician will be consistent and won't mess up.

New to town? Ask your cashier as you're checking out at the grocery store.

Make small talk with the girl in line next to you.

But do this ONLY if you like their brows.

The truth is, women love to share a great find.


It's important to note that we are suggesting Google over Yelp.

This is because Yelp has been known to pull 5-star reviews on businesses, skewing the review ratio and making their reviews inaccurate.

Look for reviews on Google that talk about eyebrows and see what they say.

Make sure the owner has responded to the majority of reviews, especially the negative ones!


This one might seem a little obvious but you don't want to walk into an establishment and realize too late that this is not the place for you.

Before you ever set foot into an establishment you need to get a few answers first:

  • Do they double dip? The answer better be a very resounding NO! Your safety is worth more than a waxing stick worth pennies.

  • Do they have insurance? You would be surprised at the lack of protection some spas have.

  • What kind of wax do you use? A wax with zinc oxide is preferable because it is a natural calming agent that soothes the skin after irritation. It will help with redness and bumps afterwards.


This goes for any wax you get done. An overall clean lobby, treatment room and clean wax pot are all signs of a professional who maintains the highest standards of cleanliness and is sure to take very good care of you.


The truth is, when you know - you know. If you've followed all these tips listed and you're ready to make your appointment the last step is to check with your own intuition.

If the Esthetician is confident and doesn’t make you feel pressured or rushed, this is most likely a good fit.

If something seems off and you don't know what it is, don't push it just look elsewhere.

There are plenty of spas to search for near you that meet all of your criteria and will sit right with your beauty babe soul.

In the end, trust your gut, listen to your peers and the reviews. You've got this!



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