Self Love is the Best Love - Celebrate Yourself this Valentine's day!

Valentine’s Day is all about love. Whether you have a special someone to love on or you’re on a journey of self love, it’s worthy of being celebrated on this special day!

The Beach House would love to help you prep for this special occasion by giving you some helpful tips on our most requested Valentine’s Day spa treatments that we provide. 

Whether you are taken, looking for love, or exclusively loving yourself we want you to look and feel beautiful for this special day. 

Treatment #1 Brazilian / Bikini Waxing

  1. Exfoliate! This can be done with a body scrub or an exfoliating body mitt like the one we sell at the spa. As long as you're removing the dead skin cells pre-wax you'll have a less painful experience.

  2. No caffeine before your wax- it enhances your pain receptors.

  3. Plan to wax after your period. We know you can't really control when this happens but your pain threshold is higher in the week after your period than beforehand. The more you know!

  4. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever about an hour before your appointment.

  5. This Aspercreme will help to reduce sensitivity –some of our clients say about 80%.  Advanced planning is required, as the lotion has to be applied 2 hours before your appointment and then again 20-30 minutes prior to the wax.

  6. Hydrate leading up to the wax. This means using a fragrance free lotion or natural shea butter to hydrate the skin to help the hair to not hold on when it's being pulled out as well as drinking plenty of water.

  7. Plan ahead. Especially if this is your first wax or you haven’t been waxed in a while. Your skin will be sensitive for a few days after the appointment.  We recommend waxing 2-3 days prior to any special occasion.

Treatment #2 Brow Wax + Tint

Here's how you can plan for your brow wax and tinting.

  1. Stop using your Retinol and Retin-A products at least a week prior to your appointment and 7 days after. These ingredients thin your skin and will make your skin lift (the scab that people sometimes talk about) after you've been waxed.

  2. NO sun. This should be a given all year round but especially before any waxing or skin care treatment, be sure to not be sun burned within the last week.

  3. When it comes to tinting your brows, we like to match your roots. If this is not the color you're going for be sure to tell your practitioner so she will get you the exact color you're going for.

Treatment #3 Golden Honey Express Facial Treatment

A facial treatment just as sweet as you!  A golden honey nourishing Express Facial is just what you need to have your skin looking and feeling healthy, refreshed and beautiful for your special night out.  This facial is a perfect pampering gift for yourself or a friend who is still looking for that special someone.

Check out to purchase an e-giftcard directly from our website or snag one the next time you are in the spa.

We do get very busy before this special day so call ahead to make your appointments!  Gift cards are now available online and can be emailed directly to you or to that special someone!

We'll see you in the spa 🙂


Amanda Luisa

Licensed Cosmetologist

Bachelor's of Science in Human Biology

Owner, The Beach House Skincare & Spa


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