What is a Chemical Peel? How do I Know it's Right For Me?

What is a chemical peel and how do you know it's what your skin needs now?

A chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the look and feel of your skin.

It's designed to help get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, discoloration, acne, scars, and overall skin texture.

Here at the Beach House Spa, we apply a product to your skin that will remove layers of your outermost layer of skin (epidermis). It shouldn't hurt but it may feel a bit uncomfortable at times.

There are 5 different types of peels to choose from. We always start at the lowest level and work our way up so that your skin won't be compromised or damaged.

 >>>  Micro peel: A very mild version of a chemical peel. This micro peel is made up of lactic acid (derived from milk) which will not cause too much discomfort or peeling at all. This is highly recommended for someone who has dry skin and wants little, to no down time for her peel.

>>> Level 1 Chemical Peel: This peel has lower concentrations of the Level 2 chemical peel to help prepare your skin for a stronger peel. Level 1 is still a pretty light peel meaning your skin can flake or peel, but most likely will not.

>>> Level 2 Chemical Peel: Very similar ingredients to the Level 1 peel however this level has stronger concentrations and also has TCA which is a peeling agent, kojic acid and vitamin C to help smooth out your skin's complexion. Meant for someone with dry skin, adult acne and an uneven skin texture.

>>> Level 3 Chemical Peel: This peel may tingle more than the previous ones. A level 3 chemical peel has a little lactic acid, salicylic acid, kojic acid, hydroquinone (which smooths the skin) and resorcinol (flaking agent means you will peel but you'll see the most results). This peel is best for dry skin, acne prone skin and anyone who wants to get rid of hyperpigmentation (dark spots / acne scars).

>>> Level 4 Chemical Peel: Our Level 4 chemical exfoliation peel has 4% retinol in it which promotes a smooth, even skin tone. You won't feel this one too much as it's applied but you will absolutely peel. Best for aging skin to add youth and glow to your skin.

Although a chemical exfoliation peel can seem like a scary thing it doesn't have to be! Here at The Beach House we make sure that we talk you through everything we are doing so that there is no confusion. If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask! Call or text at (309) 423-0551 or hop onto our website and book online.


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