Brazilian/bikini waxing vs. shaving

Some people prefer to shave, while others prefer to get waxed. Waxing hurts more than shaving so some people that have a low pain tolerance would rather shave. While others who grow hair very quickly prefer waxing because post wax it takes anywhere from four to six weeks for the hair to grow back. Either way, both ways are effective for removing unwanted hair, however we definitely have our own preference here at The Beach House.

Let’s talk about the difference between the two. Shaving is often done in the shower or bath and you can easily do it on yourself, by yourself. Most people will purchase the razor of their choice, there are so many out there to choose from. Then they will hop into the shower or bath, get wet, apply either shaving cream or a shave oil, and then slowly in upward strokes will begin shaving off their unwanted hair. You want to be slow and steady while doing this process otherwise you risk cutting yourself with the sharp razor blades. Shaving is something many people do but isn’t favored by many because the hair often grows back after a couple days. The reason for this is because when shaving the razor will remove the top piece of hair but will leave the bulb of the hair follicle underneath the skin which means the hair will grow back very quickly and you will have to shave more often. Also ingrown hairs are very common with shaving because the hair is growing from where it was cut off and it can grow back into the skin, causing an ingrown hair which is often pretty uncomfortable sometimes even painful. Razor bumps are also not fun to have but often show up post shaving.

So now let’s talk about our preference at The Beach House, which is waxing. Waxing is when wax is applied to the hair and then quickly removed using either a wax strip, a wooden stick (like a thick popsicle stick), and or someone’s hand. Waxing can be quite painful for some people, specifically those with a low pain tolerance, because the hair is being completely removed from the follicle. No bulb is left under the skin like with shaving. In this case, the hair takes much longer to grow back, anywhere from four to six weeks until you’ll need to get waxed again which is why many of our clients keep coming back every month for their waxes. Consistency is key, and when you become consistent with your waxes you will find not only does your hair grow back slower but also thinner over time which is the goal. Waxing is also commonly done by a professional like ourselves because doing it yourself is pretty hard to do. Ingrown hairs can happen after waxing but they definitely aren’t as common as they are post shaving. Sometimes clients can experience post wax bumps which is just the skin’s reaction to being waxed, but those bumps will go down in a few hours whereas razor bumps have a tendency to stick around and be very uncomfortable.

Between the two we definitely favor waxing and believe it to be more effective and long lasting. At the Beach House, we offer full body waxing for clients who are sick of shaving or simply want a quick and effective way to remove unwanted hair. Our most popular wax services are the Bikini and the Brazilian wax, which are performed on the female intimate area. The Bikini wax removes hair from the bikini line and the Brazilian wax removes all hair from the area, front and back.

So now that I’ve listed the difference between the two, which do you think you’ll prefer? As I’ve said, in our humble opinion waxing is superior and gives longer lasting more beautiful results than shaving and is worth the fifteen to twenty minutes of discomfort during the wax service. You can book a wax appointment by calling or texting The Beach House Spa at 309-423-0551 or by hopping onto our new and improved website, scrolling to the bottom of the homepage, and clicking the tab that says “Book your Appointment.” We look forward to seeing you in the spa soon!!


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