Do you know the difference between chemical and physical sunscreen?

Did you know there is more than just one type of SPF? You heard that right. So do you know which kind you’ve been using? If not, I can help you figure it out!

There are both chemical and physical (mineral) sunscreens each with different benefits. 

Chemical SPF:

  • Absorbed into the skin

  • Converts UV rays into heat

  • Allows for skincare ingredients to be added in easier

  • Takes 15-20 minutes to absorb

  • Applies thinly to the skin

Physical/Mineral SPF:

  • Sits on top of the skin

  • Reflects UVA/B rays

  • Works immediately when applied to the skin

  • Can wear off easier

  • Can look pasty on darker skin tones

A lot of times the type of sunscreen you choose is based solely on preference. As long as you wear it and it has safe ingredients that’s all we care about. 

Physical sunscreen used to be the safer of the two in reference to the ingredient list, but now chemical sunscreens are removing the harmful ingredients that once were in it. 

If you’re reading the back of the label and the main active ingredient is oxybenzone, RUN!

Oxybenzone has been linked to many skin allergies/irritations and is also seen as an endocrine disruptor.

Some other active ingredients you should stay away from in sunscreens are octinoxate, octocrylene, octisalate, homosalate, and avobenzone.

Each of these ingredients have gone through many analyses and all seem to turn up with similar toxic results that cause harm to the endocrine system to humans, as well as, harming aquatic ecosystems. 

The active ingredients that have the safest ratings in sunscreen are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. 

For more information on these specific ingredients and their harmful effects visit

The next time you purchase sunscreen, double check that ingredient list and make sure they have safe ingredients. 

As long as there are safe ingredients it is really up to your preference on whether you like chemical or physical sunscreens better.

SPF is the number one product used for anti-aging. It is much easier to prevent sun damage than it is to treat it so wear your sunscreen! 

If you’re looking for a good SPF try our Tinted Suncream 35 we carry here at The Beach House! You won’t regret it.

This sunscreen gives you a light coverage and goes on your skin silky smooth without feeling too heavy. 

This product can be purchased online at or you can come into the spa to pick up your product and maybe even get a free sample!

The next time you’re thinking of purchasing a sunscreen take a look at the ingredient list or ask your local esthetician. 


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