Will High Frequency Help My Acne?

High Frequency, the game changing tool in acne.

It uses small electrical currents to oxygenate your skin that flow through a glass electrode.

There are two types of electrodes; one with Argon gas and the other with Neon gas. Argon gas gives off a violet light and is great for acne and oily skin. Neon gas gives off an orange light and is most beneficial in anti-aging. 

Benefits of High Frequency:

  • Kills P. Bacteria that causes acne

  • Reduces redness and inflammation

  • Helps prevent future breakouts

  • Helps increase circulation in the skin

  • Reduces Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

  • No downtime after treatment

Most of the time you will see high frequency already included in a facial, but it can also be done as a single service. 

If you are getting a facial that high frequency is already included in, expect to be in the spa for at least an hour. If you are doing it as an add-on service or a single service it will take about 15 minutes to complete the treatment. 

Here at The Beach House we offer a Deep Pore Cleansing Facial that includes high frequency or it can be added on to any service separately. 

If your skin is needing that extra boost or you're dying to get rid of your acne, stop in and see us! We have all the tools to help you and your skin concerns.


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