How long should I wait to wax my underarms after shaving?

Have you ever had your underarms waxed? Let me tell you, it’s a game changer!

Hair always seems to grow back so quickly when shaving. I know for me personally my hair grows back within the next two to three days after shaving. 

It always seems to be such a hassle for me. I dread shaving and everything that comes with it. The razor burn, the dark shadow, and how often I have to do it. 

After you try waxing you won’t want to turn back. I promise you!

Once you start waxing your hair will take longer to grow back and will come back thinner. In my book, both of those are wins. 

A big bonus with waxing is NO razor burn. Razor burn happens when you are shaving too aggressively, shaving with a dull blade, or not using enough soap/shaving cream. 

So ditch that razor, say no to razor burn, and try waxing!

If you’re used to shaving then I’m sure you are aware of the dark shadow it leaves behind. 

Shaving leaves a shadow behind because you are only cutting the hair at the surface of the skin leaving behind a dark end. Waxing your hair pulls it out directly at the root leaving behind no trace of a shadow. 

Once you start on your waxing journey that shadow is no longer there!

Let's talk about all the time that’s put into shaving. 

Ladies, I know you feel me on this one. 

If you are like me (before I started waxing) you're spending a lot of time in the shower shaving. It gets tiring shaving from head to toe.. literally.

Do you wish there was something you could do to remove hair with less maintenance? All I’m gonna say is waxing will minimize the time spent.

Waxing is about to be your new best friend! You will spend less time worrying about your hair if you get your hair waxed.

Now, you can’t expect to shave the day before and come into a waxing appointment and have all the hair removed. There is a waiting period where you need to let that hair grow out. 

We suggest waiting 2 and a half to 3 weeks after shaving to come in and get your underarms waxed. 

Waiting this long allows for the hair to be long enough so when it is waxed the hair won’t break. If the hair is too short when the waxing strip is pulled some of the hairs won’t be pulled up or will break and be left behind. 

All you have to do is book an appointment with your esthetician and have her do all the work. You just lay there and enjoy the company!


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