Can I Still Get Waxed If I Am On My Period?

The simple answer to this is, YES!

The only thing we ask is that you are comfortable with being waxed on your period. 

If you are at the peak of your period and don’t even want to leave the house we suggest against getting a wax and just reschedule for when you are off.

Be sure to ask your esthetician about rescheduling with enough time (24 hours) before your scheduled appointment so we can get you on our books. 

If it is a light period then ask your esthetician if there is anything you can do before coming in for your wax.

We just ask that you wear a tampon for your appointment and we will work around it. 

If you are at the end of your period and only spotting then a tampon is not necessary since this is a quicker appointment.

As a precaution, we like to let our clients know that getting waxed on your period or days up to your period can make the area more sensitive during your appointment. 

All in all, yes you can get waxed while on your period!


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