Post Holiday skincare tips

After the holidays, it is very normal to feel drained and exhausted. Often our skin shows that exhaustion. But don’t fret, I have some ways that you can prevent dull skin post the holidays.

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. Some of you may be travelling, others of you may be staying home. Either way, it is a very busy time of year and it is easy to neglect our daily routines, especially when it comes to skincare. Here are some tips for bringing life back into your skin after the holiday festivities.


It is recommended by most doctors and dermatologists to drink around 90 ounces of water a day. I understand that’s a lot of water and it may take time to build up to that amount. So begin with 30 ounces a day, then 60 ounces, then eventually 90 oz. Add a yummy flavored electrolyte powder for boosted hydration or fresh fruit and mint to give the water some flavor. Staying properly hydrated will plump your skin, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, and give you a youthful glow post holidays.

Get enough REST.

You will be so busy over the holidays spending time with family and friends, and sleep will not be a priority like it should be. It is important that we try to get at least 7-8 hrs of sleep every night. Like I said, with everything going on during the holidays you may not get your full 7-8 hrs every night. So good rest should be prioritized post the holidays for your best and healthiest skin.

Eat Nourishing Foods.

We all know the holidays are centered around delicious food that often isn’t very healthy. We believe in balance and all things in moderation so we’re not saying you should deprive yourselves. Indulge. Fully. And then once the holidays end, focus on getting back on track with healthy eating. You should be consuming plenty of protein like chicken, beef, turkey, and fish. These foods are high in protein and help with cell rejuvenation meaning smoother skin texture, less acne scars, smaller pores, etc. Also plenty of fresh vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts, green beans, pretty much anything dark in color like beets, sweet potatoes, spinach and other greens, etc. Vegetables and fruits dark in color have a higher level of antioxidants which fight free radicals and signs of aging within the skin. Some examples of antioxidant rich fruits are blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, pomegranates, etc. The saying “you are what you eat” rings true and definitely reflects in the health of your skin.

Get a facial every 3-4 weeks.

The way our skin looks is 80% at home care, and 20% facials. It is very important to be consistent with our skincare regimen at home however for your very best and healthiest skin, you need a professional to work on your skin too. As a professional, we deeply cleanse and exfoliate the skin, using steam, and then we can do extractions to remove all the dead skin cells within your pores. Afterward, we apply a face mask, the serums, moisturizer, and spf. We don’t advise doing extractions at home because you could possibly push or press too hard which could cause you to scar. It is good to give the skin a good, deep cleanse professionally, therefore it is best to schedule a facial every 3-4 weeks for beautiful skin post holidays.

Switch Out Skincare For The Colder Months.

This should’ve already been done back in the fall however if you haven’t yet had the opportunity, now is the time. In the spring/summer because the weather is so warm its important to wear lightweight skincare so that your pores don’t get clogged and cause breakouts. In the fall/winter it is important to wear heavier skincare in order to keep your skin hydrated in the cold drying weather. This rotation is like clockwork and should be happening every year. Your skin will thank you for it.

Remove your makeup every night.

I know that after a long evening out its so easy to throw on some pajamas and just go to bed. But it is super important that you remove your makeup from the evening. Otherwise it can clog your pores causing acne. We suggest using an oil based makeup remover which will completely melt off your makeup, sweat, dirt etc. And then following in with a water based cleanser that will be able to penetrate the skin below the surface thanks to the first cleanse.

These are six of the tips we have to offer here at The Peoria Beach House for post holiday skin. We understand the holidays are beyond hectic but the five tips above should be pretty easy to incorporate into your routine. And if all five seem daunting, just try one of the tips above and then work your way up from there. Don’t worry if your skin is feeling dull after the holidays. Try implementing the tips above and I promise not only will your skin look good from the outside but you will feel better on the inside too.


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