What Causes Mask Acne?

Do you feel like your face has been more broken out since the start of the pandemic? I promise, you’re not crazy. It’s just the masks. A term we call mask- acne. 

We’ve become adjusted to the lifestyle of masks, but have our faces? Not quite. 

Masks are known to cause flare ups in the skin resulting in acne. They can also cause congestion especially around your chin/cheek area. I know my face has seen better days.

Masks are vital to protecting ourselves and others, but what does that mean for our skin? 

Your mask traps dirt, oil, and sweat that rests on your skin. In addition, the moisture in your breath causes a rich environment for bacteria to grow in. This allows for the bacteria to go deep into your pores and cause breakouts.  

So, what causes mask- acne?

  • Reusing the same mask

  • Not washing your mask regularly

  • Combination of a mask and makeup

If you have a disposable mask, wear it ONCE

My suggestion is to have a multitude of reusable masks. Not only will this decrease your chances of breakouts, you can now match them with your outfits. 

We all love a trendy mask that shows off a little bit of personality. 


Washing your masks consistently is key to avoiding acne flare ups. 

Lastly, give your skin the breather it needs from makeup. Most of your face is covered when you’re wearing a mask so ditch the face makeup. Just throw on a little mascara and get out there!

At The Beach House we stand by being safe. Be sure to wear your mask, but remember these tips to avoid any acne flare ups. 


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