How Often Should I Be Exfoliating?


A Peoria IL podcast made just for beauty babes like YOU!

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How often should I be exfoliating my skin? 

The answer is simple, as many times a week as your Esthetician tells you to. Everyone is different and here at The Beach House we're happy to set you up with a skincare regimen that is right for you. 

One of those steps will be exfoliating.  This will probably range from 1 to 3 times a week.  A younger person or someone with few skin care needs may not need to exfoliate as often as someone with more mature skin or more intense skin goals. 

More often than not people aren't exfoliating at all.  This can be a huge bummer for your skin and your pocketbook.  Especially if your committed to buying products with active ingredients which are more expensive.  It's just the name of the game folks, if you want something to work it's got to be active.  (We'll chat about that later)   

When the skin is properly exfoliated the products your using will penetrate deeper giving you quicker and more satisfying results.  Cell turnover will get a pick me up.  This will happen every 28 days but why not give it a head start.  Also, an instant radiance or glowing appearance will happen 😇

But don't be too quick to over exfoliate.  This can make the skin over sensitized an angry.  An over production of oil can lead to break outs.  Excess drying can lead to redness or an inflammation of the skin.

I also would love to get into different types of exfoliants, but we'll save that for anther blog.  So, when it comes to exfoliating make sure you're checking with your Esthetician on the right steps for your skin care goals. We are here at The Beach House to help you!  It's what makes us GLOW with happiness... Ha Ha get it.


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