What to expect during your first Brazilia

Dunh dunh dunh it's your first Brazilian wax….are you nervous? Well, you shouldn't be! Although, it’s totally normal to be!

Here at The Beach House, we strive to make the experience as calm and comfortable as possible.

So let me walk you through your first visit for a Brazilian wax as if you've never been here before!

Upon entering the spa someone will greet you and take you to the treatment room. On the way to the treatment room we will offer you to stop in the restroom if you’d like. Once we have entered the treatment room you will be instructed on how to change, where to put your clothes and how to lay on the bed. Then, your esthetician will leave so you can get undressed and all set.

There will be a waxing mat on the table with two black towels. One will be laid out where you place your booty and the other is rolled up to place on top of your lap. Once you’ve made it comfortably up on the bed, you’ll place the modesty towel (the rolled up towel) where you see fit on your lap. The esthetician will return a few minutes later to begin the service. Before entering the treatment room after you have changed, your esthetician will give a gentle knock and make sure you are all set before opening the door. Your safety and comfortability comes first!

Your esthetician will discuss with you what areas you want to be waxed, meaning where you would like to leave hair behind or where you would like hair to be removed. This applies to Bikini wax and Modern Bikinis. Full Brazilians leave no hair behind unless you would like to leave hair behind on the back or leave a landing strip.

Don't be shy when discussing how you want your bikini area to look. We want you to leave happy. But keep in mind we aren't Picassos, so shapes can sometimes be difficult!

The area will be cleaned and a barrier oil will be applied. The oil allows a base to your skin so it isn't as painful when removing the hair. Then waxing will begin.

It's best to take yourself to a “happy place” if you're not a talker so you're not thinking too intensely about what is going on. You can also bring in a pair of headphones to listen to music or a podcast if that's more of your jam. If you are a talker, let's chat about something positive and funny to break the ice.

Your esthetician may need your help once the waxing has begun. We may ask you to place your hand here or there, breathe in and out with us, raise your legs to your chest, or even drangle a leg off the treatment bed. This all adds to a better waxing experience.

Once the wax is complete oil will be applied to the area so you won't leave the spa feeling sticky. If you're prone to ingrowns or bumps we can apply or No Bump Spray. Your esthetician will wipe on a light layer, this may cause some tingle on the surface of your skin for a few short seconds since we are applying it to freshly waxed skin. When we are complete, don't worry about cleaning anything up. Feel free to leave the towels on the bed and we'll take care of everything from there.

We will then leave the room, let you get dressed, and meet you at the front to get you checked out.

We encourage all clients to provide us with feedback after their wax or when they return for another wax. If there’s anything you’d like to adjust or anything you particularly loved don’t hesitate to let us know! Remember, your wax is fully customizable too. If you decide you want more hair gone or more hair left behind we can always adjust! 

I hope this puts you at ease for your first Brazilian wax!

We’ll see you in the spa!


What to Expect In Your First Brazilian (w/Amanda)


Three Different Types of Bikini Waxes