5 Most Common Skin Conditions

Before we jump in I absolutely need to say that today we will be talking about skin conditions, no to be confused with skin TYPE.

Skin types are how your skin behaves, looks and feels. This would be normal, oily, dry, combination skin types.

But I want to talk to you about skin conditions. Not everyone has a skin condition and most conditions are considered medical.

Along with this, it is very common for people to use the wrong products on their skin because they do not know their skin type or condition.

Not knowing your skin type/condition(s) can end up causing more problems with your skin in the long run, so listen up!

Once you know both your skin type and skin condition you can use the products that will give you healthy, glowing skin.

Another important thing to note is that there are external AND internal factors that could be causing your skin's condition.

Up first, ACNE:

Acne is the most common skin condition, affecting nearly 45 million Americans each year.

Acne develops where there are more oil glands present, e.g. face, scalp, chest, back and neck.

Over time the pore fills and becomes impacted with dead skin cells, oil and hair. Bacteria grows in the clogged pore and causes inflammation that you can later see as a whitehead or pimple.

Although there is no known cause for acne, doctors have no linked it to testosterone and genetics, making acne an inherited trait. There are many different types of acne and each patient should be treated according to their particular case. 

How The Beach House combats Acne: Having the right at-home regimen is what will be the biggest start to clearing your acne.

We also recommend looking into getting treatments at a spa near you so that you have access to professional skincare products and treatments that will be specific to your skin's needs.


Aging of the skin is a result of many different factors that can be broken into two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic (or uncontrollable aging) happens over time, is genetic and occurs when our hormones change as we age. Facial wrinkling, expression lines and drier, more sensitive skin may be a result of intrinsic aging.

The extrinsic or more controllable factors of aging refer to exposure to the sun, free radical damage, smoking and/or pollutants which cause a breakdown of the skin’s structure, leading to discoloration, wrinkles, skin growths and even cancer.

Many skin scientists believe the extrinsic factors are to blame for 90% of the visible signs of aging.

At The Beach House Skincare & Spa when we do our best to correct signs of aging and believe it is important to use products that not only treat, but also prevent future damage from occurring.

How The Beach House combats aging, fine lines and wrinkles: Look for products that contain peptides, retinols, vitamin C, lactic, hyaluronic and/or glycolic acid.

Research your area for lactic chemical peels (we use and swear by a beautiful blend of products) and facials that incorporate a lot of facial massage.

The Lactic peel will exfoliate, hydrate and brighten your skin while the facial massage will help to break up any fluid or toxins that might be building underneath your skin.

The act of massaging in a facial will bring oxygen-rich blood back to your face to help heal and stimulate collagen back into your skin.


Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of an area of skin often called dark spots.

Causes of hyperpigmentation range from sun damage caused by UV exposure, hormone fluctuations due to pregnancy (also called a "pregnancy mask") or menopause, and skin injuries such as acne scarring.

Certain skin types can also be more susceptible to hyperpigmentation.

It is important to consult with a skin care professional, like an Esthetician, prior to using products to even skin discoloration as high percentages of strong ingredients can cause further irritation and lead to more discoloration.

The best way to prevent hyperpigmentation from occurring or worsening is to use a mineral SPF daily.

How The Beach House combats sun damage and hyperpigmentation (dark spots): We recommend a chemical exfoliation at home in your skincare routine that includes lactic and hyaluronic acid, but most importantly a mineral SPF every single day.

Mineral SPF sits on top of your face and blocks the UV rays while chemical sunscreen is absorbed into your body and dissolves the sun's rays as they hit your skin.

We'll be writing a whole post about sunscreen here shortly so stay tuned!

Spa treatments must include heavy exfoliation to remove the skin cells that have become over-pigmented.


Rosacea is a somewhat misunderstood skin condition.

Currently, there is no known cure or cause.

Rosacea is generally characterized by persistent redness and/or breakouts around the middle areas of the face, commonly affecting the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.

Although there is no cure, there are many different methods of controlling rosacea symptoms.

There are medical therapies that work well in conjunction with cosmeceuticals and professional treatments to control rosacea symptoms. 

Many people also have reported Rosacea outbreaks after eating chocolate, lobster, prawns, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, food colorings and MSG.

How The Beach House combats Rosacea. We recommend staying away from any ingredients or treatments that will cause your skin to heat up, like, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and enzyme masks.

This does not mean you can not use professional products, but we highly recommend that you dilute your skincare products down at first until your skin no longer has a reaction to the strong ingredients.

So tell us, did you find this post helpful? Do you think you could have one or more of these skin conditions?


Amanda Luisa

Licensed Cosmetologist

Bachelor's of Science in Human Biology

Owner, The Beach House Skincare & Spa


First Time Brazilian or Modern Bikini Wa


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