You've cleared your acne... Now what?!

Let’s all let out a huge sigh of relief “ahhh” because your acne is gone!

Clearing your acne is only half the battle, now you have to maintain that beautiful, clear skin

To maintain your clear skin you can do things both in the spa and at home. Maintenance is key!

You will want to get frequent facials about every 4-6 weeks. This will keep your skin nourished and glowing. When you come into the spa for a facial we are able to use products and treatments that you don’t typically have at home. 

I recommend getting the Deep Pore Cleansing facial or the Luxury facial with an add on of LED Light Therapy. Light therapy will help the healing process after your acne has cleared and decrease the visibility of scarring that may be left behind. Both facials will be customized to your skin's needs with the use of products. In the Deep Pore Cleansing Facial it includes High Frequency and extractions for any acne that has recently come up. The Luxury facial uses massage that will help in lymphatic drainage to remove any toxins your skin has built up. 

Some of the things we can use are high frequency. This is a treatment that kills all the bacteria on the surface of the skin to prevent future breakouts. It is a great tool used in pre/post acne treatments. 

Chemical peels are also a great tool for your new skin! Chemical peels are a deep exfoliation that clear out your pores while also treating any uneven skin tone or scarring you might have from your acne. 

Another tool that is offered for post acne clients is Microdermabrasion. This uses micro crystals to slough off the top 20% of your skin (epidermis). This treatment is noninvasive and has no down time. It will help improve acne scarring, smooth out uneven skin tone and texture, and targets fine lines and wrinkles

My all time favorite treatment is Microneedling. This has helped me immensely in my acne journey. I suffered from cystic acne for most of my teen years and when I was finally able to clear my skin I turned to microneedling to repair all the damage it had done.

Microneedling uses multiple microneedles to puncture your skin to generate collagen production and wound healing. It reopens the scarring you get from acne to help them heal properly. Most people need 3-6 treatments to see maximized results. It’s amazing the difference it makes in your skin. 

While coming into the spa for treatments is important so is keeping up with your home skin care!

You will want to exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week to remove any dead skin build up that can cause acne. I recommend using our Corrective Scrub because it will keep your skin nourished, but also dive deep into those pores to remove bacteria and keep acne from forming.  

Drinking lots of water throughout the day and maintaining a healthy diet will help keep your acne clear. What you put into your body you also put out through your skin. 

Be proud of yourself for clearing your acne & now all you have to do is maintain that skin!


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So you want to get rid of your acne, but don't know what to use? Let me help!